Tim Bingtan

Technical Project Manager
Professional Scrum Master I
UC Berkeley Technical Project Management Boot Camp
Web Developer
Web Development Boot Camp by the App Brewery
B.S. in Software Engineering at UC Irvine
About Me

My name is Tim, and I am a dedicated and enthusiastic Technical Project Manager with a background in project management, software engineering, IT systems, and customer service. I'm certified as a Professional Scrum Master I and a graduate of the Technical Project Management Boot Camp at the University of California, Berkeley. Equipped with solid insight on business software development, including waterfall and agile methodologies, hybrid project management, and the scrum framework, while leveraging industry experience in software engineering and customer service. Driven by passion for creative, innovative solutions in service of others and the joy of being a team player. Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area and now based in LA.

My Experience

IT Service Management Engineer for Tata Consultancy Services (2019-2023)

While working with Tata Consultancy Services, I've administered IT configuration management services for a major Southern California utility company within a primary team of 5 personnel. For operations, I regularly use the BMC suite, such as BMC Remedy, BMC Discovery, and BMC Atrium Spoon. In addition, I operate with SQL Server Management Studio as a tool for querying and analyzing data, and I consolidate my work with Microsoft Excel. My team is responsible for serving 1000+ IT employees and managing data for 60,000+ company assets.

Technical Project Management Boot Camp (2022-2023)

At the UC Berkeley Technical Project Management Boot Camp, I learned the essentials skills of a technical project manager. I gained interactive, hands-on experience with planning and executing projects with agile, waterfall, and hybrid methodologies. Most notably, this course guided me into obtaining my Professional Scrum Master I certificate. I am ready to contribute to benefitting development teams as a project manager, scrum master, and collaborative leader.

The App Brewery Web Development Boot Camp (2021)

With the App Brewery's boot camp on the fundamentals of web development, I gained critical knowledge and skills on HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express.js, EJS, React.js, SQL, MongoDB, RESTful API, and web authentication/security through interactive course modules and a variety of relevant projects.

Web Developer for Vusar (2019)

I worked as a front-end web developer for Vusar, a startup providing AR solutions for engineering design and collaboration. I was involved in constructing the company website's homepage and account pages collectively as a team of 6 while working in an Agile environment using React.js and HTML/CSS.

B.S. in Software Engineering (2015-2019)

I earned a B.S. in Software Engineering and a minor in Management at the University of California, Irvine. My 4 years at Irvine were critical to understanding the fundamentals of computer science and software development. I became fluent in Python, Java, and C++ in my academic journey.

Skills & Tools

Project Management

Collaboration Tools

  • Jira
  • Confluence
  • Trello

Development Methodologies

  • Waterfall
  • Agile
  • Kanban
  • Scrum
  • DevOps

Software Development

Development and Design Tools

  • GitHub
  • Adobe XD
  • Google Sites
  • Atom
  • Visual Studio

Programming Languages and Libraries

  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • Bootstrap
  • Node.js
  • React.js
  • MongoDB
  • Java
  • Python
  • C++

Certification & Resume

Berkeley Technology Project Management Boot Camp Certificate

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Professional Scrum Master I

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Key Projects

Application Model Portfolio

Planned and executed the completion of a significant IT records portfolio for my client company using the BMC Discovery tool. This portfolio modeled all business critical IT applications and mapped their relationships used in production environment, which accomplished team’s 2022 Q4 goal. Portfolio completion enabled real-time visibility of the status of infrastructure and software relationships that support essential business applications, thus streamlining the application monitoring and development processes.

Messy Project

After a streaming service drops an unsatisfactory client to develop its financial software, my team and I were tasked to take the project to completion. This required the reorganization of the project artifacts from a "messy" state left by the previous client into a restructured state in which the project could move forward and be implemented. The project was decidedly restructured according to a balanced Agile-waterfall hybrid methodology ("Wagile"), where the rigor of staged-and-gated project management approach of waterfall can be implemented with customer engagement at each stage as seen with Agile. The restructuring involved sprint planning, writing epics and user stories from requirements, producing an accurate project budget, and determining the risk management approach.

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Majestic Crepe Cakes

Managed the development of a bakery website built on Google Sites, which opens sales to online orders. Executed product backlog planning, sprint planning, mid-sprint check-in, sprint review, and sprint retrospective activities using Jira while working with a Scrum team of 8 members and collaborating with a client team.

View Website


Produced the project plans to integrate the billing reporting system and the payroll management system of an airline, which enables the company to seamlessly manage its master budget. Activities include creating a project charter, work breakdown structure, task list, and project schedule from a given business case and planning meeting.

View Artifacts

Additional Projects

Project Portfolio with the App Brewery

Building a project as fun as a digital drum set, an item I could keep in the long run like my personal blog, and a tool I could use for everyday tasks like a sticky note app are all included in the variety of works that helped me grow foundational experience as a web developer.

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The "Keyboardless Hospital"

My undergraduate senior capstone team, in partnership with the SAP Innovation Center, developed an Alexa skill known as the "Keyboardless Hospital". This served as a voice-interface application that provided pre-appointment surveys for hospital visits directly on a user's mobile or Alexa device. This feature would drastically reduce patient wait times and significantly boost hospital appointment efficiency.

Undergraduate Class Projects

From building the Connect Four game, my own navigation system with the Mapquest API, to a plug-in that analyzed coordinates taken from CT scans at the biomedical engineering lab, my undergraduate projects laid the foundations for my career as a developer.

Additional Resources

Software Engineer Resume

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Web Development Boot Camp Certificate

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Developer Project Portfolio

View Portfolio

Connect With Me

Tim Bingtan


Tim Bingtan
